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Keeping Safe

The safety and well-being of all members of our school community are the most important aspects of our work at Marston Vale Middle School.

Whilst the school will do all it can to keep everyone safe, we would like to ask pupils and their families to help us by looking out for themselves and others in the following ways:

Before school

Always contacting the school on each day of absence so that we can ensure we follow up any worrying or unexplained absences as soon as possible.

Please make sure you are safe as you make your way to and from school.

Walkers should keep to paths and give due consideration to other pedestrians. They should also cross at designated crossings where it is safe. Please make sure you are visible – especially on dark mornings and evenings.

If you come to school by car, please make sure you/your family do not cause any inconvenience to others in our local area by parking or driving inconsiderately.

During the School Day

If you notice a problem around the school site during the school day, please tell someone so that we can sort it out and make sure no one comes to any harm.

If you have a concern or problem, please talk to a member of staff so that they can help. Please do not take matters into your own hands; this might seem to be a quick solution, but it can actually make matters worse. See the pastoral pyramid in your homework planner for the best adult in school to talk to.

If you are unsure of how to get home at the end of the day, please come to the office to ask for someone to contact home. Please never walk if you are unsure. Even after a club or extra-curricular activity, there are always adults on site you can trust to help you.

Keeping Safe Out of School

Please take care at all times and never take any risks that may harm you or others around you, either in the real or the online world.

If you have any worries, please talk to a trusted adult or a member of staff in school.
Our website has some useful tips on how to stay safe online. Please refer to the E-Safety part of our website.

Keeping Healthy

Eating healthily, taking regular exercise and getting plenty of sleep are all ways in which you can help to keep yourself safe and well.

You will receive information about this in, food technology, science and PE lessons.