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Young Carers

Information for Young Carers and their families

What is a young carer and what do they do?

At Marston Vale, we pride ourselves on acknowledging and supporting pupils who are young carers. 

A young carer is a child who lives with an adult who has a physical disability, mental health issue, a learning difficulty or is dependant on drugs or alcohol. The young carer may or may not physically care for the individual, but living with an adult or child with these needs may have a significant impact on aspects of their lives.

Some young carers are the main carers in the household; others supplement the caring undertaken by other members of the family.

The caring tasks include:

  • Domestic tasks (e.g. cooking, cleaning, shopping)
  • Personal care (e.g. helping with mobility; washing; dressing; giving medicine)
  • Emotional support & supervision (e.g. watching over someone; providing company and a ‘listening ear’)
  • Sibling care: Looking after an ill or disabled sibling (or a non-disabled sibling where an ill or disabled parent is unable to provide this care)
  • Communication support (e.g. interpreting; answering phone or door)
  • Financial management: (e.g. budgeting; paying bills)
  • Self-care: Looking after themselves, where an ill or disabled parent is unable to provide this care

Difficulties with relationships, roles, routine, and income are more likely to occur when a family member has a disability or long-term illness. Whilst some young people cope very well in these circumstances, there are many who experience stress-related problems and who struggle in their learning as a result.

How we support young carers at Marston Vale Middle School

At Marston Vale Middle School, we believe that all children and young people have the right to an education, regardless of what is happening at home.

When a young person looks after someone in their family who has a serious illness, disability or substance misuse problem, he or she may need a little extra support to help him or her get the most out of school.  Our young carers statement says how we will help any pupil who helps to look after someone at home.

Our school:

  • Has a member of staff with a special responsibility for young carers and lets all new pupils know whom they are and what they can do to help. 
  •  Can put young carers in touch with the local young carers service. We can also put families in touch with other support services.
  • Is accessible to parents who have mobility and communication difficulties and involves them in parents’ evenings.
  • Respects your right to privacy and will only share information about you and your family with people who need to know to help you.
  • Will consider alternatives if a young carer is unable to attend out of school activities e.g. detention, sports coaching, concerts, due to their caring role.
  • Allows young carers to telephone home during breaks and lunchtimes.
  • Offers emotional support through 1:1 session with our pastoral support worker.
  • Offers weekly school nurse ‘drop-in’ sessions.
  • Offers a reduced homework schedule (not compulsory) and lunchtime homework support with access to IT.
  • Can organise external agency visits to offer workshops for sibling carers.

Contact details

Telephone | 01234 768224 

Email | school@marstonvalemiddle.co.uk 



Useful information:

Carers in Bedfordshire 

Telephone | 0300 111 1919. 

Website | www.carersinbeds.org.uk