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Attendance at Marston Vale Middle School

It is through good attendance that pupils maximize their full potential, enhancing their life chances for the future. Missing school means missing learning and this can have an impact on a child’s development and attainment. There is a very strong statistical link between attendance and attainment.


Attendance is important:

=Number of Days Absent

Approximate number of weeks

= Number of lessons missed


19 Days

4 Weeks

95 Lessons


29 days

6 Weeks

145 Lessons


38 Days

8 Weeks

190 Lessons


The law states that children of statutory school age who are on roll at a school or academy must attend regularly and punctually. Regular attendance is important, because it is the best way of ensuring children make the most of the educational opportunities available to them. 


Every pupil must be on school site for line up at 8.40am and registration begins at 8.45am.

Absence Procedure

If your child is unwell or unable to attend school, please call our absence line on 01234 768224 by 8.30 am on each day of absence. It is the responsibility of the parent/carer to make this call. 

If your child requires a dental or other appointment, where possible please can you make these in school holiday’s or afterschool.

The procedure when your child is absent:

  • Parent to telephone the school as soon as possible, preferably before 8.30am, on each day of absence, stating the reason for absence.
  • It is very important to save evidence in the form of appointment cards, prescriptions or referral letters should they be required at a later date.
  • We will telephone or text parents/carers each day of absence if we have not heard from them.
  • Where we have concerns about an absence we will make a home visit.
  • We will discuss strategies to support a pupil make improvement, with parent/carers.
  • If your child's attendance figure falls below 94% the school will need to make a referral to the Educational Welfare Officer at the local authority.

Holidays Taken During Term Time

The school does not permit holidays to be taken during term time.

Parents should be aware that the law now enforces the position regarding holidays. The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013, which become law on 1st September 2013, state that the Principal may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.

In accordance with the above regulations, requests for leave of absence will be treated sympathetically, but only in exceptional circumstances can they be approved.

Parents who take their child out of school for five days or more during term time, without the authority of the Head Teacher, will each be liable to receive a penalty notice.    Penalty Notices will be issued by the Local Authority.


Attendance and Safeguarding

A child may be at risk of harm if they do not attend school regularly.

This will be considered a safeguarding matter.