Special Educational Needs and Disability
Who’s on the SEND Team?
The SEND Team at MVMS involves everybody.
Every teacher and member of staff is responsible for ensuring pupils with SEND have a positive learning experience and make progress.
The day to day leadership and management of SEND across the school has been charged to the SEND, who works closely with parents, pupils, teachers, support staff and external agencies.
Everyone on the team is recognised for being skilled, hardworking and committed to placing pupils’ aspirations at the heart of everything we do.
SENDCo - Mr M Wilby
SENDCo Assistant - Mrs M Shields
Email - sendco@marstonvalemiddle.co.uk
Our approach:
We value pupils as individuals and want them to feel safe and supported to enable them to be confident and to flourish regardless of their special needs or differences.
This is vital for them to grow up to lead happy, healthy and successful lives. Our aim is to prepare them for adulthood.
How we achieve this:
Provision for pupils with SEND begins with high quality first teaching.
Thereafter, we collaboratively decide on appropriate provision that is ‘additional to and different from’.
In collaboration with parents, governors and the community we aim to provide an accessible curriculum by removing barriers to learning and addressing needs.
Useful Links
Bedford Borough SEN Local Offer